Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bunashimeiji mushrooms butter yaki

My son loves to eat mushrooms particularly bunashimeiji mushrooms. You can get it from the supermarket either the white ones or the brown ones. Usually I would add them to the vegetables and stir fry or sometimes chop them up and add into the omelette. One day I chanced upon this blog entry from Just one cook book - seared scallops and decided to try making a similar sauce and cooking just the mushrooms itself. While cooking, I was wondering how would the taste turn out to be but luckily it is approved by both husband and son. Hence, decided to share this recipe on my blog. ^^

Bunashimeiji mushrooms
Soy sauce
Some stock or water
Cornstarch solution 

1. Cut off the bottom part of the mushrooms and discard. Chop some garlic and shallot to set aside. Reason why I had shallots is because I happened to have some chopped ones in my fridge. It can be replaced by onion.
2. Add some butter to the pan and heat till it melt. Put in the chopped shallot and garlic.
3. Put in the mushrooms when the shallots turn translucent. Add in some stock just enough so that the pan does not dry out. I actually took the stock from the ABC soup I was cooking. Else, you can replace with water.
4. Cover the pan and let it cook for a few minutes. Finally add in some soy sauce to season. Test taste and add more if you wish for a stronger taste.
5. Add some cornstarch solution if you wish to thicken the sauce. Then remove to serve.

I served this for dinner along with my honey baked chicken chop but I forgot to take picture of the chicken chop. Shall do it another time!

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