Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Minced meat with egg tofu

My son loves egg tofu very much. He always make sure I buy egg tofu whenever we go supermarket. So I have to find ways and means to incorporate egg tofu into my cooking. Minced meat egg tofu is a very common dish and I also cook it quite frequently using oyster sauce. But I wanted to make a different sauce this time so decided to experiment using tomato sauce and kecap manis which I seldom use and we love it!

1 tube egg tofu
Minced meat
1/2 onion
1 clove of chopped garlic 
Tomato sauce
Kecap manis
Soy sauce
Corn starch
Spring onions

1. Chop the onion into dices and marinate the minced meat with soy sauce and cornstarch.
2. Cut the egg tofu into slices and pan fry them on the pan with some oil for at least 3 minutes each side to brown it. Remove and set aside. Make the sauce using tomato sauce, kecap manis and soy sauce.
3. Heat up the oil in the wok and add in the chopped onions and garlic. Let it cook for a little while till the onion look translucent then add the minced meat.
4. Stir fry the meat until it is no longer pink then add in the sauce. Let it cook for a few minutes and when it starts to thicken, you can return the egg tofu to the wok and mix well. 
5. Turn off the heat and serve on plate. Garnish with spring onions.

The sour taste from tomato sauce, balanced with the sweetness of kecap manis and savoury from the soy sauce makes quite a good combination. I am so happy it turned out well. I can now put my sauces to better use. :)

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