Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Steamed chicken

One of our family's favourite is chicken legs. No matter how you cook them, they will be tender and not as dry compared to chicken breast. So whenever I go to the wet market, I am always buying deboned chicken legs from the stall. It really saves me a lot of time when I do not have to debone the chicken. I just have to marinate it and put it in the oven. I have also previously uploaded a few recipes like Baked lemon chicken leg in Italian herbs that I depended on when my weekdays get crazy.

Today I thawed the chicken legs but decided to try and steam it instead. Tried to search for recipes online but mostly are for whole chicken and making Hainanese style chicken rice. So I stick to a few basic seasonings and lucky it turned out well received.

2 deboned chicken legs
1 knob of ginger 
1 stalk of spring onion 
local lettuce (optional)
tomato (optional)
Sesame oil
1 Tbsp Soy sauce

1. Apply salt on both sides of the chicken legs and set aside.
2. Grate half a knob of ginger then apply evenly to the chicken. Cut the remaining ginger into slices.
3. Smash the bottom white part of spring onion with the knife and cut into long strips.
4. Pour 1 tbsp of soy sauce on the chicken and drizzle with sesame oil. Ensure the marinate is well coated on the chicken. (I prefer to use my hands to "massage" the chicken)
5. On the steaming plate, arrange white part of spring onions on the bottom, followed by the ginger slices. (Use a deep plate as the chicken will produce a lot of liquid)
6. Place the chicken legs on the plate. Make sure it does not overlap so that it can be cooked evenly. Put the remaining spring onions on top of the chicken.
7. Steam using a electric steamer for approximately 20 minutes. To check if the chicken is cooked, poke a chopstick at the thickest part of the meat. It is cooked when the liquid is clear.
8. Remove from steamer and let it cool down. Arrange the lettuce, tomato on the serving plate while waiting.
9. Cut the chicken into slices and place on serving plate. Pour some of the steaming liquid over the chicken before serving. The remaining steaming liquid can be poured over white rice if you want.

The only complaint I hear from my husband about this dish is "you cooked too little!". Maybe I need to add an extra tier to cook more chicken next time.

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